Piglet Thoughts

Have you ever seen piglets sleeping? It's the most amusing thing, for piglets sleep in a pile of hot, chubby, little bodies, all bundled on top of one another. 

This pile is not a fixed thing. Piglets don't have blankets so they wriggle and fidget in a constantly shifting order. When piglets get cold, or fall off the top they burrow back under the others to warm up again.

It reminds me of the nursery song, 'There were ten in the bed, 

and the little one said, 

roll over, roll over. 

So they all rolled over

And one fell out' 

The constant, restless shifting in this song, much like a pile of piglets, has some parallels with the way thoughts and creative ideas surface in the ADHD brain. 

If you have ADHD then I expect you understand how exhausting this constant roiling, constant shifting of ideas is, with new ones coming up to the top for our attention before being displaced by the next. And the next, and the next. All before you can properly capture and apply them.

So then, how to calm the restless piglet thoughts? 

Coaching helps you to develop the tools and strategies you need to capture those restless piglets and get them into some kind of manageable order.

If you haven't yet read my article, 'Now, Not Now, Not' then you may find it useful for finding out how to capture those distracting little piglets as they reach the top and carefully assess them so that you can make an intentional decision about which ones are worthy of your time and attention now and which ones can be 'put to bed' for later. 

In that way you can be mindful about enjoying the spectacle without getting so completely distracted that you don't achieve anything other than piglet-watching. 

Why not book a Discovery Call with me, Tony Coward, today to take the first step?



My Teddy Is Art


Now, Not Now, Not